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Game Patches
Apr 1997


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DOS and Windows game patches (P to R)
Directory : /pc/p_r
p2dosptc.zip          Size:     937,405         Date: 02-02-97

Phantasmagoria II (DOS-patch for Win95-only version)
p2fix.zip             Size:     198,302         Date: 02-25-97

Phantasmagoria II for Win95 fix (15th february '97)
p2patch.zip           Size:     556,712         Date: 02-13-97

Privateer II: The Darkening version 17.0e
p5upd.zip             Size:       5,349         Date: 05-29-95

F-15 Strike Eagle II, F-15 Strike Eagle III, Red Storm Rising, M1-Tank Platoon (Pentium-fixes)
pacptch.txt           Size:          27         Date: 11-20-94

Text file for pacptch.zip
pacptch.zip           Size:     105,393         Date: 11-20-94

Pacific Strike F1.19
pacwar11.zip          Size:     209,424         Date: 02-25-96

Pacific War 1.1
page103.txt           Size:         144         Date: 03-01-95

Text file for page103.zip
page103.zip           Size:     701,542         Date: 03-01-95

PageMaster 1.03
paw15b.zip            Size:     299,732         Date: 05-18-95

1942: Pacific Air War 1.4 to 1.5b
paw_v14a.zip          Size:   1,454,446         Date: 01-27-95

1942: Pacific Air War 1.4 {disk 1/2}
paw_v14b.zip          Size:   1,371,373         Date: 01-27-95

1942: Pacific Air War 1.4 {disk 2/2}
pawgcd.txt            Size:         674         Date: 03-24-95

Text file for pawgcd.zip
pawgcd.zip            Size:       3,529         Date: 03-24-95

1942: Pacific Air War Gold (volume label fix)
pba113.zip            Size:     311,755         Date: 03-22-96

PBA Bowling for Windows95 1.13
pbpat.txt             Size:         313         Date: 07-03-95

Text file for pbpat.zip
pbpat.zip             Size:     364,786         Date: 07-03-95

Take a break! Pinball
pcpox_u.txt           Size:          29         Date: 06-27-96

Text file for pcpox_u.zip
pcpox_u.zip           Size:     223,112         Date: 06-27-96

PerOxyd 4.x to 4.3 (shareware)
pd10to12.zip          Size:     906,484         Date: 05-22-96

Power Dolls 1.0 to 1.2
pd12to13.zip          Size:     140,989         Date: 05-22-96

Power Dolls 1.2 to 1.3
peupgr.zip            Size:     167,427         Date: 02-27-95

Universal Military Simulator II Planet Editor 1.7
pg11cd12.txt          Size:       1,597         Date: 03-11-95

Text file for pg11cd12.zip
pg11cd12.zip          Size:      83,948         Date: 03-11-95

Panzer General 1.1 to 1.2 (CD-version)
pg11dk12.txt          Size:       1,718         Date: 03-11-95

Text file for pg11dk12.zip
pg11dk12.zip          Size:      82,950         Date: 03-11-95

Panzer General 1.1 to 1.2
pg12cd.txt            Size:       1,647         Date: 03-11-95

Text file for pg12cd.zip
pg12cd.zip            Size:     112,964         Date: 03-11-95

Panzer General 1.0 to 1.2 (CD-version)
pg12dk.txt            Size:       1,752         Date: 03-11-95

Text file for pg12dk.zip
pg12dk.zip            Size:     118,157         Date: 03-11-95

Panzer General 1.0 to 1.2
pga486.txt            Size:          34         Date: 02-18-96

Text file for pga486.zip
pga486.zip            Size:     100,126         Date: 02-18-96

PGA Tour 486 Golf fix (for ATI cards)
pggmid.zip            Size:      36,358         Date: 02-26-95

Pirates! Gold General Midi support
pgver3.txt            Size:          56         Date: 10-19-93

Text file for pgver3.zip
pgver3.zip            Size:   1,336,581         Date: 10-19-93

Pirates! Gold v3
phandig.txt           Size:          33         Date: 02-19-95

Text file for phandig.zip
phandig.zip           Size:       2,599         Date: 02-19-95

Return of the Phantom digital sound-fix
phant11.zip           Size:     789,379         Date: 11-02-95

Phantasmagoria 1.1
pinupd21.txt          Size:       9,922         Date: 03-07-95

Text file for pinupd21.zip
pinupd21.zip          Size:      74,135         Date: 03-07-95

Epic Pinball 2.0 to 2.1
planer2u.zip          Size:   1,448,649         Date: 01-26-97

Planer II 1.04 (german release)
pnupdate.txt          Size:         108         Date: 11-19-96

Text file for pnupdate.zip
pnupdate.zip          Size:     497,315         Date: 11-19-96

Microsoft Golf 2.0 PlayerNet update
poker.txt             Size:         434         Date: 09-02-95

Text file for poker.zip
poker.zip             Size:     181,166         Date: 09-02-95

Powerpoker for Windows (network play update)
pole.zip              Size:     973,945         Date: 09-02-96

Pole Position (CD-version,german release)
pwrches1.zip          Size:     289,653         Date: 01-25-97

Power Chess
power11.zip           Size:     832,501         Date: 11-07-95

Powerhouse 1.1
ppack15.zip           Size:     689,160         Date: 12-13-96

Duke Nukem 3D 1.4 to 1.5 (Plutonium Pack required)
pq1v_pen.zip          Size:       7,306         Date: 12-22-95

Police Quest I VGA pentium fix
pq1vga.txt            Size:          70         Date: 08-26-95

Text file for pq1vga.zip
pq1vga.zip            Size:       4,456         Date: 08-26-95

Police Quest I VGA (Caffeine Carol's patch)
pq3pent.zip           Size:       3,163         Date: 01-07-94

Police Quest III (Pentagram fix)
pq4_10c.txt           Size:         230         Date: 07-03-95

Text file for pq4_10c.zip
pq4_10c.zip           Size:     364,117         Date: 07-03-95

Police Quest IV 1.0c
pq4cuf.txt            Size:         456         Date: 07-03-95

Text file for pq4cuf.zip
pq4cuf.zip            Size:       6,073         Date: 07-03-95

Police Quest IV (handcuffs-fix)
primpat.zip           Size:     520,880         Date: 01-09-97

Primal Rage
proph_pt.txt          Size:          17         Date: 08-26-95

Text file for proph_pt.zip
proph_pt.zip          Size:     119,352         Date: 08-26-95

The Prophecy
proto1.zip            Size:     439,130         Date: 02-27-95

protofix.zip          Size:       8,961         Date: 11-11-95

Prototype fix
ps_120.zip            Size:     815,998         Date: 02-20-97

Panthers in the Shadows 1.20
pspatch.txt           Size:       2,183         Date: 06-05-94

Text file for pspatch.zip
pspatch.zip           Size:     104,077         Date: 06-05-94

Pacific Strike
pwpatch.zip           Size:     131,852         Date: 01-07-97

Pinball World (fix for S3 Vision 968 chipset graphic cards)
pwx22.zip             Size:     200,960         Date: 08-08-95

Pacific War 1.1 x22 (inofficial!)
pythfix.txt           Size:         326         Date: 06-09-95

Text file for pythfix.zip
pythfix.zip           Size:      84,127         Date: 06-09-95

Monthy Pythons Complete Waste of Time fix
q100_101.zip          Size:     370,387         Date: 07-24-96

Quake 1.00 to 1.01 (shareware)
q101_106.zip          Size:     363,392         Date: 10-07-96

Quake 1.01 to 1.06
qbc97_11.zip          Size:     680,166         Date: 02-09-97

NFL Quarterback Club '97 1.1
qg2fix.txt            Size:         421         Date: 07-04-95

Text file for qg2fix.zip
qg2fix.zip            Size:      58,380         Date: 07-04-95

Quest for Glory II (savegame-fix)
qg2imprt.txt          Size:         562         Date: 07-04-95

Text file for qg2imprt.zip
qg2imprt.zip          Size:       2,170         Date: 07-04-95

Quest for Glory II (character import-fix)
qg3_11.txt            Size:         227         Date: 07-03-95

Text file for qg3_11.zip
qg3_11.zip            Size:      95,895         Date: 07-03-95

Quest for Glory III 1.1
qg4_110a.txt          Size:      24,223         Date: 01-25-94

Text file for qg4_110a.zip
qg4_110a.zip          Size:     629,231         Date: 01-25-94

Quest for Glory IV 1.10a
qg4imp.txt            Size:         325         Date: 07-03-95

Text file for qg4imp.zip
qg4imp.zip            Size:       5,459         Date: 07-03-95

Quest for Glory IV (import-fix)
qg4note.txt           Size:         287         Date: 07-03-95

Text file for qg4note.zip
qg4note.zip           Size:       5,849         Date: 07-03-95

Quest for Glory IV (fix for missing fake note)
qgepat.txt            Size:          32         Date: 08-26-95

Text file for qgepat.zip
qgepat.zip            Size:     127,113         Date: 08-26-95

Quest for Glory I VGA patch A
qpole11.txt           Size:         497         Date: 07-03-95

Text file for qpole11.zip
qpole11.zip           Size:     710,062         Date: 07-03-95

Quarterpole 1.1
quarcd35.zip          Size:     501,972         Date: 12-18-94

Quarantine (CD-version)
quardk35.zip          Size:     497,672         Date: 12-18-94

qvision.txt           Size:       3,864         Date: 02-19-95

Text file for qvision.zip
qvision.zip           Size:      26,784         Date: 02-19-95

Wing Commander III SVGA-patch for Compaq Qvision
r13cdpt.zip           Size:     789,412         Date: 08-21-95

Rise of the Triad 1.2 to 1.3 (CD-version)
r13fdpt.zip           Size:     717,510         Date: 08-21-95

Rise of the Triad 1.2 to 1.3
r13slpt.zip           Size:     663,466         Date: 08-21-95

Rise of the Triad 1.2 to 1.3 (site licence)
r13swpt.zip           Size:     697,663         Date: 08-11-95

Rise of the Triad 1.2x to 1.3 (shareware)
r2rw.txt              Size:         727         Date: 03-08-95

Text file for r2rw.zip
r2rw.zip              Size:     442,401         Date: 03-08-95

Return to Ringworld 'restore games'-fix
radr11p.zip           Size:     709,804         Date: 01-05-96

Radix: Beyond the Void 1.0 to 1.1 (registered)
radr20p.zip           Size:   2,284,509         Date: 12-08-96

Radix: Beyond the Void 1.1 to 2.0 (registered)
rads11p.zip           Size:     639,546         Date: 01-05-96

Radix: Beyond the Void 1.0 to 1.1 (shareware)
radsw20p.zip          Size:   1,539,120         Date: 12-08-96

Radix: Beyond the Void 1.1 to 2.0 (shareware)
rally11.zip           Size:      52,080         Date: 10-19-96

Rally 1.1
rappat_r.zip          Size:     255,223         Date: 06-01-94

Raptor 1.1 (registered)
rave95.zip            Size:     179,716         Date: 10-27-95

Jump Raven (Windows 95/NT fix)
rbmpat.txt            Size:         343         Date: 07-03-95

Text file for rbmpat.zip
rbmpat.zip            Size:     185,548         Date: 07-03-95

Red Baron Mission Builder (videocards-fix)
rbvgajoy.txt          Size:         321         Date: 07-03-95

Text file for rbvgajoy.zip
rbvgajoy.zip          Size:     306,808         Date: 07-03-95

Red Baron (joystick-fix)
rebel18.txt           Size:       1,100         Date: 02-26-95

Text file for rebel18.zip
rebel18.zip           Size:     447,507         Date: 02-26-95

Rebel Assault 1.8
rendfina.zip          Size:     355,887         Date: 02-14-97

Tomb Raider (Verite chipset upgrade)
renegade.txt          Size:         301         Date: 03-24-95

Text file for renegade.zip
renegade.zip          Size:       4,313         Date: 03-24-95

Renegade Legion: Battle for Jacobs Star (thrustmaster fix)
rex849.txt            Size:          57         Date: 02-09-95

Text file for rex849.zip
rex849.zip            Size:     218,476         Date: 02-09-95

Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender Benders 8.49
rfsta125.zip          Size:     369,933         Date: 02-04-96

Road from Sumter to Appomattox 1.25
rfup1.txt             Size:         481         Date: 03-08-95

Text file for rfup1.zip
rfup1.zip             Size:      17,769         Date: 03-08-95

Royal Flush upgrade #1
ring120c.txt          Size:         484         Date: 03-08-95

Text file for ring120c.zip
ring120c.zip          Size:     457,256         Date: 03-08-95

Ringworld 1.20c
rip105.zip            Size:     392,460         Date: 08-17-96

Ripper 1.05
rise101.zip           Size:   1,372,793         Date: 05-21-96

Rise and Rule of Ancient Empires 1.01
risk11.zip            Size:     187,463         Date: 02-02-97

Risk 1.1
rlftcd11.txt          Size:         354         Date: 05-02-94

Text file for rlftcd11.zip
rlftcd11.zip          Size:     495,467         Date: 05-02-94

Ravenloft 1.1 (CD-version)
rlftcd12.zip          Size:     344,262         Date: 12-18-94

Ravenloft 1.2 (CD-version)
rlftdk11.txt          Size:         151         Date: 08-16-94

Text file for rlftdk11.zip
rlftdk11.zip          Size:     494,197         Date: 08-17-94

Ravenloft 1.1
rlftdk12.zip          Size:     344,273         Date: 12-18-94

Ravenloft 1.2
rloft2_1.zip          Size:     507,261         Date: 05-28-95

Ravenloft II: Stone Prophet 1.1
roa2_32m.zip          Size:       9,459         Date: 03-29-96

Realms of Arkadia II (fix for users with >= 32meg RAM)
roe2_107.zip          Size:     608,965         Date: 06-09-95

Rules of Engagement II 1.07
roland.txt            Size:         127         Date: 07-08-96

Text file for roland.zip
roland.zip            Size:      27,163         Date: 07-08-96

X-Wing (fix for Roland soundcards, for disk-version ONLY)
roml205.zip           Size:     941,176         Date: 01-03-96

The Riddle of Master Lu 2.05
rorcd101.txt          Size:         715         Date: 03-03-95

Text file for rorcd101.zip
rorcd101.zip          Size:      69,461         Date: 03-03-95

Rise of the Robots 1.01 (CD-version)
rorcd102.txt          Size:         390         Date: 04-15-95

Text file for rorcd102.zip
rorcd102.zip          Size:      71,115         Date: 04-15-95

Rise of the Robots 1.02 soundcard-patch, beta! (CD-version)
rordk101.txt          Size:         415         Date: 04-15-95

Text file for rordk101.zip
rordk101.zip          Size:      70,267         Date: 04-15-95

Rise of the Robots 1.01 (soundcard-patch, beta!)
rot11spt.zip          Size:     778,155         Date: 02-11-95

Rise of the Triad 1.1 (shareware)
rot12spt.zip          Size:     483,614         Date: 02-20-95

Rise of the Triad 1.1 to 1.2 (shareware)
rott12ar.zip          Size:     235,541         Date: 03-01-95

Rise of the Triad 1.2 to 1.2a (registered)
rott12as.zip          Size:     220,497         Date: 03-01-95

Rise of the Triad 1.2 to 1.2a (shareware)
rottcdi.txt           Size:         966         Date: 04-12-95

Text file for rottcdi.zip
rottcdi.zip           Size:      20,364         Date: 04-12-95

Rise of the Triad 1.2 CD-install fix
rpat_12r.zip          Size:     317,854         Date: 10-07-94

Raptor 1.1 to 1.2 (registered)
rpat_12s.zip          Size:     317,962         Date: 10-07-94

Raptor 1.1 to 1.2 (shareware)
rrdxv2.zip            Size:     610,026         Date: 01-03-94

Railroad Tycoon DeLuxe 2.0
rrq106bc.zip          Size:     278,541         Date: 01-17-97

Quake 1.06 for Verite chipset beta 12
rrtv3.zip             Size:      97,600         Date: 05-15-93

Railroad Tycoon v3
rtz_mca.zip           Size:       7,938         Date: 10-09-96

Return to Zork (IBM MCA fix)
rtzcd12.zip           Size:     451,379         Date: 02-26-95

Return to Zork 1.2 (CD-Version)
rtzdk12.zip           Size:     437,872         Date: 02-26-95

Return to Zork 1.2

Copyright ©1997 Walnut Creek CDROM